UpLink: the World Economic Forum helps startups to help the ocean

Isn’t it great when global institutions take seriously the effort of startups, entrepreneurs, researchers to improve the world? It’s even better when the focus is on the Ocean Economy. This is exactly the case of UpLink.

UpLink is a digital platform to crowdsource innovations, in an effort to accelerate the delivery of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is an open platform designed to engage anyone who wants to offer a contribution to the global public good. The core objective is to link-up the best innovators to networks of decision-makers, who can implement the change needed for the next decade. As a global platform, UpLink serves to aggregate contributions and impactful activities, to guide and align pockets of activism and entrepreneurialism, and to make connections for effective collaboration.

In particular with the Ocean Solutions Sprint the effort is to kickstart a massive discussion at all levels and with different stakeholders; from ideation to maturing companies, from researchers to entrepreneurs. Offering problems and ideas to solutions is welcome on the platform and it is a great way to gain exposure of your projects but also learn from the experiences of others, identify issues and problems that you could provide an answer and engage with the community.

Marine Startups is onboard the effort and will hopefully follow up with exciting material from new projects. Heck, we even submitted our own project, Equiseas! We are pretty serious about it and believe in the effort.

You can find more information here and request to join here.

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